Mud Trucks for Sale
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Selling this 1968 Ford Bronco. Awesome truck, lots of work. Below is a highlight of the features. Serious Inquiries Only please. Thanks for looking!
- 302 V8.
- Long Tube Headers.
- Borla Exhaust.
- James Duff Suspension / Shocks.
- Leather Interior.
- Retro Bluetooth Radio.
- BF Goodrich Mud Tires.
- Power Steering.
- Everything works (tail lights, blinkers, head lights, brake lights).
- Recent Tune by RES Automotive (carb adjustment, new plugs, set timing, etc. - I have the documentation).
Must see. Gorgeous, Metallic Blue Paint. Asking 59,550.
For more information about this Mud Truck for Sale.