Mud Trucks for Sale
Mud Truck no longer for Sale.
Selling my k5 blazer mud truck. Absolutely nothing is wrong with the truck . I simply don’t use it anymore and hate to see it sit and not be used . Head turner . Lifts the tire of the ground from dead stop .
- 489 big block Chevy
- full roller motor
- Eagle rotating assembly
- Turbo 400 transmission
- NP205 transfer case
- 2.5 ton Rockwell top-loaders
- four link suspension
- king coil overs
- BKT 14.9-24 R2 tires
- Locked rear-end
- 10.25 compression ratio in engine
- Merlin heads.
- Front and rear light bars
- Full PSC dual hydraulic steering
- Rear pinion brake
Asking 18,500 for the Mud Truck.
For more information about this Mud Truck for Sale.